Article (Page 6)

Article (Page 6)

Is My Religion Pure?

We read the common definition in James 1:27. We look at our lives and consider the fact that so many around my say they are religious but we notice the fruit that their lives produce. We can tell those spiritual things are second at best in their lives… However, today I want you to avoid looking at anyone else. Stop looking around and look at your life. How is YOUR religion? Do you stand before the Almighty as pure? Are…

Yeah, but what about…

When a boy and girl start to date, perhaps they are not thinking about marriage. However, as they date longer their minds explore that fact. “I love you, me too…” Then a day rolls around to which a young man asks the father of his girlfriend if he can have his daughter as his bride. The engagement process begins and so does the wedding planning (mostly by the bride). On that day, he looks up the aisle and sees her…

Remembering the Risen One

When this day rolls around each year, the majority of the religious world takes some time to meditate and focus on the One called Jesus the Christ. Usually, this Sunday is the most well attended service of the year (This fact was shocking to me). We think of the unfair and unjust way our Lord was treated and paraded through the streets in shame. We recall the vicious nature by which the Romans and Jewish leaders had no regard toward…

What if Jesus had Come Back Yesterday?

Question: If Jesus had come back yesterday where would you be right now? 1. If married where would your mate be? 2. If you have accountable children, where would they be? 3. Were you about your Father’s business? – Lk. 2:49. 4. Were you expecting the Lord? – 2 Tim. 4:6-8. 5. As a Christian what was your attitude yesterday? 6. Were you indifferent toward the church? – Rev. 3:16. 7. Did you have coldness toward a brother or sister?…

Set Your Mind on Things Above

Many folks want to serve God, but only as advisors. It is easier to preach ten sermons than it is to live one. Don’t put a question mark where God put a period. God doesn’t call the qualified. He qualifies the called. God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage. The Will of God never takes you to where the Grace of God will not protect you. Prayer–don’t give God instructions, just report for duty. Jesus died for you.…

A New Way in a New Year

As I remember it, this is the story. A preacher took his position in the pulpit and preached a wonderful sermon on the subject of being prepared for the Judgment Day. As the congregation filed past him, they told him how good of a job he did with that sermon. The next Sunday rolled around, and the same preacher preached on the same topic. The congregation found that to be a little odd, but, just like the previous week, they…

A New Look at the Charging Station

This week, I spent a little time at the Verizon store. I would not recommend this process to anyone, ever! But the fact of the matter is that sometimes we have to go to those type of establishments. That being said, I noticed the “perk” offered by this company inside their storefront- the charging station. The purpose for this station, I think, is to keep the patron occupied as not to realize how long of a wait is ongoing. After…

A Look at Death – Hebrews 9

The Bible helps us understand some of those things that are foreign to us. One such topic is death. It is a doorway to the Eternal. It seems to be a scary idea because we just do not understand it fully. Today let’s look at death according to Hebrews 9. (NOTE: It would profit for you to read Hebrews 9 before reading this article.) The first death mentioned in Hebrews 9:27-28 is the MANDITORY death. All those men and w…

John 19:1

The sentence is a simple one. Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him. Within that small and simple sentence, lies a great deal of information. The public action of beating, known as scourging, in the Roman world was vastly different from the Jewish world. For the Jewish nation, the regulation was set by God. A convicted man was struck at a maximum of forty times. However, if a man was struck more than forty times, then the person lashing the other…

Bible Math

As our teens gather every other week for a devo on Monday nights, we study a different topic yearly. This year’s study is Bible Mathematics. As we all were taught mathematics, it all begins with understanding numbers. Take a moment to understand the numbers we have studied so far. #1- Ephesians 4:4-7 The 7 Ones are located in this passage. One body, Spirit, hope, Lord, faith, baptism, and God. This is the foundational principle of the New Testament system of…

Family Bible Passage

As you and I study through God’s Word, we find ourselves being blessed and blessed. One of the blessings we have, is an eldership that cares about the flock, over which they shepherd. Our eldership has proven this statement to be true time and time again. Yet another way the Eldership of the 70 West church of Christ cares about us is to challenge us with memory verse. Please understand the more of God’s Word we can place into our…

Psalm 38

As you and I study the Psalms, we are constantly confronted with the fact that David is just a man. We vault him to a grand position but facts are facts. David was the man, with the help of God, who defeated the Giant. He was the exalted “king” of Israel. David ushered in the Golden Age of Israel. We are exposed to the emotional side of this man by the inspiration of God to let us understand that mankind…