A Hole in Your Life…
They arrive in my email INBOX almost every week. A desperate cry for help from a person in deep despair, like the one I received two weeks ago (Please note – I have been given permission to share this email message). “Michael, what do I do? I wasn’t raised this way. I have made a total mess of my life. My aim in life has been fun and excitement but that has led me to problems. Bad decisions upon bad…
BLAZE 2020
BLAZE 2020 is sneaking up very quickly. We need to be prepared. There are a few things YOU can do to lend a hand in helping with this undertaking. Youth- For all of you, I need you to invite, invite, invite. We had about 100 folks last year. Our goal for this year is 125 people in attendance. The only way this will happen is if you invite your friends. I have invitations for you to hand out over the…
Do You Have a Scar?
We all have them. I have one on the underside of my arm as a box cutter slipped one day while I was working in a grocery store as a teen and I sliced open my arm. I have another one on my upper arm as proof of a childhood vaccination. Just two weeks ago, while recording a video lesson, I gained a new one as I took a wrong step leaving the podium area and fell in the auditorium…
New Online Classes Coming Soon!
Small, but I believe significant, improvements are coming to our online Bible video classes and I’m extremely excited about the potential impact for increasing our Bible knowledge. Beginning in a few weeks, during my MANNA IN THE MORNING classes (Thursday – Saturday) and A MESSAGE OF HOPE classes (Monday & Tuesday), I will present my special way to really get to know the Bible. It will be through a unique survey of all 66 books. Each book of the Bible…
Success for Our 40 Days of Prayer!
Our 40 DAYS OF PRAYER officially ended this past Friday. Over the last few days, I have heard back from many people regarding this united effort of Christians around the world. From Kenya, “Thanks to the 70 West church for spearheading this effort. Our church here has been involved. We have seen faith grow. We have seen better cooperation. We have felt good about doing this with you.” From the Philippines, “40 DAYS OF PRAYER has helped me become dependent…
Sign Communication
Through Michael’s efforts in the community and online feedback from some of our community members, it has become glaringly obvious that the 70 West congregation is largely anonymous in the Hot Springs community. If we are to fulfill the mission God has appointed us, this is something we have to address. As a congregation, we are kicking off some projects and programs targeted towards 70 West having a larger and more public imprint on the Hot Springs community. 1. We…
When Forgiveness is Too Difficult…
I can’t remember having feelings like these from just reading an email from a stranger. The email was from a Christian woman dealing with a very real problem. I read her question and her problem struck a nerve. The words on the computer screen gripped me. The emotions flooded my mind. I was immediately drawn in and like Jesus at the tomb of Lazarus, I wept. Why was I crying? I was experiencing empathy for this woman I only knew…
As I write this article another terrible hurricane has struck our nation’s coast and remnants of the storm are approaching southern Arkansas. Storms happen as our weather changes seasons. Storms also happen in life. It may be the fearful words from a doctor concerning a diagnosis, marital unhappiness expressed by a spouse, getting the ‘pink-slip’ at work, family issues that rear its ugly head, or one of the hundreds of problems each one of us can face in life. What…
The Transformation
This world has amazing transformations around us constantly. We see caterpillars change into butterflies. We see tadpoles change into frogs. We see leave change color. We see our children grow from babies into adults. When we see these changes many times we don’t even give them a second glance. We are so accustomed to seeing these changes. Change is a good thing. We, however, do see change when a person obeys the Gospel. Notice how Paul was inspired by God…
Happy Anniversary
Saturday was my anniversary. You might say, “But Michael, I thought you celebrated your anniversary a couple of weeks ago.” Well, that was my wedding anniversary. I’m talking about a different anniversary. Saturday was the 3rd anniversary of my FIRST WORKDAY here at 70 West. I remember the day so well. Danny Vaughn met me the prior day and helped me get set up in a temporary apartment. That first workday was filled with getting my office arranged and going…
The Song of a Soul Set Free- Psalm 32
It has been very well said throughout the years that sin will take you further than you ever wanted to go. Sin will keep you longer than you ever intended to stay. Sin will cost you more than you ever wanted to pay. Sin will require of you more than you ever wanted to give. In our modern culture, the word sin is rarely, if ever, used. However, God’s Word speaks plainly to the idea of sin. Sin is the…
Prepare for the feast!
Growing up on the farm, Sunday dinner (city people call it lunch) was always a treat. Mom threw out all stops as the table was overflowing with homemade dishes she had cooked during the early morning hours before we left for worship services. I called Sunday dinner FEAST DAY, as my entire family gathered at our house after worship service for this grand meal. Today is the kickoff for our SPIRITUAL FEAST DAYS as our elders have lined up a…