Welcome Home
“What a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see. And I look upon His face, the one who saved me by His grace. When He takes me by the hand, and leads me through the Promised Land. What a day, glorious day that will be.” We often sing this song as we look forward to the Day God will judge all of mankind, separating His sheep from the goats and ushering the faithful into an Eternal Home…
Our Memorial Day
I probably lack the ability to have the deep under-standing some have regarding this weekend. Neither my brother, father, myself, or my son served in the military. In years past I would turn to my oldest cousin, who served as a long time P-O-W during World War II, to help me understand. He died a few years ago, just shy of 100. As a P-O-W he went in weighing around 150 pounds and was returned home weighing around 100 pounds.…
I will receive a lot of disagreement on this because you believe you had the best mom (and rightly so) but here I go anyway. In my life I have benefited from the GREATEST MOMS of all time. First, I had the blessing of growing up with my own mother who was a true sacrificial mom. She gave up so much in order for me to have a great childhood. I was her ‘baby’ by many years as I had…
Mouse Traps
Today I want you to listen and try to fully digest this pithy statement. “There is plenty of cheese in a mouse trap, but there are no happy mice.” We often giggle and snicker at the statement. As we do that, we are only looking at the surface of this statement. Let’s look deeply this morning. Plenty of cheese in a mouse trap: (Hebrews 11: 24-25) Cheese is the draw to the dangerous and deadly mouse trap. The cheese is…
Scorching Words
Growing up on a farm my family would often burn off the stubble on our fields at the end of harvest. In a matter of a few minutes an entire 40-acre plot of land would be scorched. What is amazing to me is the massive burn only required one small spark to start the raging fire. The Bible says something similar about the tongue in James 3:5 Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. See…
When the Preacher Made a Change
When I arrived here @ 70 West church of Christ, I made a change in my life. While I was raised on the King James Version (KJV) with my mom being my primary teacher, as a minister I had used almost exclusively the New King James Version (NKJV). Upon moving to Hot Springs, I noticed that the Bibles given to new Christians and High School Seniors along with the pew Bibles were English Standard Version (ESV). I had never owned…
Today is a Special Day
Today is a very special day. Not due to the Easter holiday. Today is a special day because this is the day for the saints to gather to worship the God of Heaven and Earth. So many folks today will gather to remember the Resurrection of Jesus. While it is a good thing for humanity to remember that Day, the saints are commanded by God to remember that Sacrifice every Sunday. Notice what we are remembering: (John 18-20) Jesus was…
Christ = The Way
(John 14:1-6) 1. Christ = the Way to PARDON Acts 10:43 Acts 13:38 1 John 1:9 2. Christ = the Way to PEACE Romans 5:1-3 John 13:15-17 Proverbs 10:28 3. Christ = the way to HOLINESS 1 John 1:7 Titus 2:14 4. Christ = the Way to BLESSINGS Matthew 5:45 Matthew 7:21 5. Christ = the Way to HEAVEN 1 Peter 3:18 1 Timothy 2:5 John 14:1-6