Church Blog (Page 5)

Church Blog (Page 5)

God’s Plan of Salvation: LIVING LIKE CHRIST

The Bible has only one theme: the redemption of mankind. Everything encapsulated in the Holy Writ is to point each one of us toward God. To fully understand this is to understand the one need man has—salvation. After a man hears and believes the truth of God’s Word, repents of sin, makes a confession of Christ and is baptized into Christ. That’s it, right?!? Is there anything else? Well, yes… the child of God then is required by God to…

God’s Plan of Salvation: CONFESSION OF CHRIST

The Bible has only one theme: the redemption of mankind. Everything encapsulated in the Holy Writ is to point each one of us toward God. To fully understand this is to understand the need one need man has—salvation. After a man hears and believes the truth of God’s Word, repents of sin, what is the next step? The next step is to confess that Jesus is the only Son of God, the Christ. God’s requires CONFESSION- Matthew 10:32-33, 1 John…

God’s Plan of Salvation: REPENTANCE

The Bible has only one theme: the redemption of mankind. Everything encapsulated in the Holy Writ is to point each one of us toward God. To fully understand this is to understand the need one need man has—salvation. After a man hears and believes the truth of God’s Word, what is the next step? Repentance is defined as the changing of ones mind which results in a change of ones actions. God’s Word teaches us to REPENT- Matthew 21:28-32, Acts…

God’s Plan of Salvation: FAITH IN THE WORD

The Bible has only one theme: the redemption of mankind. Everything encapsulated in the Holy Writ is to point each one of us toward God. To fully understand this is to understand the need one need man has—salvation. After a man hears, what is next? The answer is- that man will either believe or he will not. To follow God’s plan for salvation- faith is key! Man must have FAITH- John 8:24, Mark 16:16, Hebrew 11:6, John 16:31, 1 John…

Yet Another First…

God’s Holy Word holds for us many firsts. Today let’s explore the last first. The question is: “What happens when we die?” The only glimpse into this question is found in Luke 16:19-31. Let’s take a few moments and explore this topic. Two men are found in this passage, a rich man and a beggar named Lazarus. We are told that this rich man had the ‘good life’. He ate well. He had plenty of money. He had a nice…

Another First…

God’s Holy Word gives the reader a unique insight to the human condition. By that, I mean that we now can look at the choices of mankind in the same fashion in which God looks at those decisions. As we study into His Word, we begin to see the first times certain things are recorded by God. One of the most compelling is the Sin in the Garden of Eden. This account is located in Genesis 3:1-15. So many things…

3 Gifts

Brandi is so much better at this than I am. She notices the needs of the young family so quickly. She is so compassionate toward that group of folks. My bride will make sure the babies have a gift. As we study and understand the birth of the Sacrifice for all of mankind, we are struck with the fact that the Son of God was given a few gifts. Matthew 2:11 records for us that those gifts were gold, frankincense…

New Year’s Resolutions

We all tend to make them. Perhaps your New Year’s resolution is to be in better shape or eat more nutritionally. Maybe it is to be a better student of God’s Word. We all have something we want to work on in the coming year. Brother Garland Elkins had a most unique resolution. As we were at the Memphis School of Preaching, we asked Brother Elkins what was his New Year’s resolution. His statement was sage. At the time it…