Posts from December 2019

Posts from December 2019


A Difference in Evangelism 

We have been taught for years the lost are out there, somewhere and we need to be searching for those people. The other end of this spectrum is that we need to make sure we convert our young ones. Both of these statements are true but they are not the only times that evangelism is needed. I believe that evangelism is the most under-followed command of God for the individual Christian. God has not been specific on how we are…
Conceptual image of business vision and innovation

What is Your Vision?

 Today is our last Sunday of 2019. Lord willing, we will gather next Sunday in the new year 2020. The number 2020 is often connected to the standard of good vision. What is YOUR VISION for the 70 West family?  In your vision for 70 West, do you see us doing a better job in reaching out to our community? If so, how will you help us all fulfill that vision? Do you see 70 West as a caring family,…
Firework display background for celebration anniversary

Three Great Resolutions

As we approach the new year, many people start thinking about New Year’s resolutions. Let me give you three resolutions that will help you grow closer to God and closer to His church.  #1-Resolve to really get into reading and studying God’s Word in 2020. Have a plan and stick to it! For me personally, studying the Bible each morning around 5 and then capping off the night with a simple reading of God’s Word works best. I prefer a…
Think differently leader for innovation and creativitity concept

A Difference in Organization

We are placed into a certain category by other people. The Lord’s church is often put into the category of “Christianity”. The religious world has only a few distinctions: Christianity, Jewish, Muslim and a few others. Do you realize that there are at least 4,000 different versions of “Christianity” as it is known by the world. However, God has only designated one church. A difference between the church for which Jesus died and the rest of the religious world is…
Happy artist

Be an Encourager

Once again you have humbled me with your tremendous love and encouragement. Thanks to all who attended the annual Open House event last Sunday. I was staying up with the count until the midway point around 4 o’clock and then lost all ability to keep up as there was a fairly constant stream of folks stopping by to enjoy the fellowship. At the midway point the attendance was already 79 so I know the final count was in the hundreds…