Posts from April 2022

Posts from April 2022

Yeah, but what about…

When a boy and girl start to date, perhaps they are not thinking about marriage. However, as they date longer their minds explore that fact. “I love you, me too…” Then a day rolls around to which a young man asks the father of his girlfriend if he can have his daughter as his bride. The engagement process begins and so does the wedding planning (mostly by the bride). On that day, he looks up the aisle and sees her…

Remembering the Risen One

When this day rolls around each year, the majority of the religious world takes some time to meditate and focus on the One called Jesus the Christ. Usually, this Sunday is the most well attended service of the year (This fact was shocking to me). We think of the unfair and unjust way our Lord was treated and paraded through the streets in shame. We recall the vicious nature by which the Romans and Jewish leaders had no regard toward…