God has given unto us a law that will be used to save our souls as we are obedient unto Him. That is the key to our salvation. We cannot know what to do unless we find the source of God’s law- HIS AUTHORITY. His Word proves His authority. Let’s look at God’s authority today.

1. God’s Word is infallible

  • a. Send from God- Acts 10:36
  • b. Inspired- 2 Timothy 3:16-17
  • c. Verbally inspired (every word)- 1 Corinthians 2:12-13
  • d. It is pure- Psalm 119:140
  • e. Flawless- Psalm 19:7

2. It is complete

  • a. All things– 2 Peter 1:3
  • b. Will be blessed– James 1:25
  • c. Settled in Heaven– Psalm 119-89
  • d. Forever– 1 Peter 1:23-25
  • e. 2,000+times “thus saith the Lord is found in the Bible

3. God’s Word is:

  • a. Powerful- Hebrews 4:12-13
  • b. Cleansing- Psalm 119:9
  • c. Able to edify- Acts 20:32
  • d. Perfect- James 1:25

4. We must follow

  • a. If you love Me- John 14:15
  • b. Remember- 2 Peter 3:2
  • c. Hold to- 1 Timothy 1:13
  • d. Contend for: Jude 3

Without the Word of God and His authority, we would never know how to be obedient unto our God. But since He has provided that law for us, what will I do with it?


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