They Prayed!
In the Old Testament, Abraham did it. Moses certainly did it and did it often. David was known to also do it. The prophets, both major and minor, did it. Even Jesus himself did it on many occasions. What am I talking about? They prayed! We are into day #15 of our 40 Days of Prayer. How are you doing? Is your prayer life booming? Are you excited to see what great things God will do when His children pray?…
Faithful for Life
The faith of the Bible is seen very clearly in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews. We have renamed this chapter Faith’s Hall of Fame. We read about men and women who lived lives that point out to us the need for us to be faithful unto our Holy and Righteous God. Let’s take a few moments to understand faith. Faith is defined in Hebrews 11:1 as “the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.” The…