Church Blog (Page 21)

Church Blog (Page 21)

After Baptism: Things to Remember

We are: Changed- 1st Peter 2:2, 1st Corinthians 3:1-2 A Babe in Christ- 2nd Corinthians 5:17, 1st Peter 1:22-28 Commanded to Grow- 2nd Peter 1:5-11, 2nd Peter 3:18 Possible to Fall- Galatians 5:4, 1st John 2:1-2 Representing the Lord- 1st Timothy 4:12,  2nd Corinthians 3:2 Complete Followers of Jesus- 1st Peter 2:21, Hebrews 12:1-4 God wants you to: Put Him first- Matthew 6:33, 10:37, 22:37 Learn His Word- Acts 17:11, 2nd Timothy 2:15, 2nd Peter 3:18 Obey Him- Matthew 7:21,…

True Worship

We are familiar with “worship”. You know, it is the thing we do when we gather at a certain place or building, right? Worship is an interesting study. As we take a few moments, let’s look at this idea in the same fashion as God looks at worship. The word worship comes from a Persian word. It means “to show obsesses toward a person of a higher rank in society.” Literally, in Persian society, a lower ranked official would approach…

Fundamentals of the Faith

Our new FUNDAMENTALS OF THE FAITH video Bible class will kick off on April 1st and a study guide is available for each lesson. Beginning March 14th, I will make paper copies of the study guide available. Starting next Sunday (March 14), you may pick up the current set of study guides on one of the three speaker stands near the auditorium exits.  Study guides for lessons already aired will be available up on the front pew where I usually…

The Day of Pentecost

We are very familiar with the account of the events in Acts chapter 2. It is a very encouraging and uplifting chapter for the children of God. This is the single point in which the salvation of God is offered to man for the first time. This is the day that the doors of the church open. This is the point at which the blood of Christ is available for man to access and wash away his sin-completely. Many times,…

An Example of a Great Attitude

This will be my 3rd & final article regarding the POWER OF EXAMPLE. Never underestimate the POWER OF EXAMPLE. Living for Jesus 24/7 is vital. This story begins with a phone call. One day several years ago my secretary buzzed me on the intercom to inform me that I had a phone call. The call went something like this, “Hello, I would like to be baptized.” Now that’s not a request I receive every day. I proceeded to ask this…

Our Eldership

We are very blessed here at the 70 West congregation. Many times, we are not fully aware of all of the benefits that are afforded to us. As a part of our Teenage class on Wednesday night, we have had a huge treat. Each elder of our eldership has spoken directly to this group. The theme for this class has been: “If I had 30 minutes to talk to you , I’d tell you…” This has been an eye-opening experience…