An Update About Our Online Classes

An Update About Our Online Classes

Thanks so much for making our online video Bible lessons (Manna in the Morning, Two Minutes that can Make a Difference in Your Life, Message of Hope, and Bible Investigation) such big successes. The viewership remains constant and that is because of YOU. YOU have shared these messages with your Facebook friends by clicking on SHARE and SHARE NOW, thus increasing our potential audience. Thanks for the helpful SHARES, the encouraging LIKES, and the many great COMMENTS.

Looking for a way to draw your family CLOSER TO GOD? Why not use our Monday-Saturday online Bible classes as a way to start your own FAMILY HOME DEVOTIONAL. With our YouTube channel, the entire family can watch together on your TV set. Beginning July 18th many of our online classes will feature a FAMILY DISCUSSION QUESTION. So, if your family is ONE or more than ONE, gather everyone together and let’s talk about our great God.

If you have a SMART TV, then you probably either already have the YouTube channel OR you can add it to your channel lineup. If you have any problems doing that please call me, keeping in mind that I have counseling appointments 7 days per week starting around 5 pm and continuing non-stop until around 10 pm.

With YouTube, when the time comes for one of our classes at 7 or 9, all you need to do is turn on the TV, flip over to YouTube channel and pull up 70 West church of Christ. If you are tuning in AFTER 7 or 9 you will need to wait a few hours until the classes are added to the archived list. These online Bible classes are another way we are taking the gospel to the world around us.

Questions coming up on BIBLE INVESTIGATION this week:

  • Monday- “I’m ready to give up. Can you give me any hope?”
  • Tuesday- “What advice can you give a new dad?”
  • Wednesday- “Paint me a picture of God.”
  • Thursday- “Can you sell me on the church of Christ?”
  • Friday- “Can you help a loser?”
  • Saturday- “I’m afraid I’m not saved.”

Tuesday, I had the honor and privilege of baptizing Jim Porter. The glory goes to our great God and the thank you pat on the back goes to Heath Larner for initiating this Bible study for me.

Come Unto Me
What then?


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