Posts from October 2021

Posts from October 2021

The Complete Obedience of Our Lord

Philippians 2:8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. The only begotten Son of God substituted Himself for all humanity to save them from the righteous judgment of a thrice-holy Creator. Jesus found Himself “in fashion as a man,” which therefore made it possible for Him to humble Himself and to become obedient to the death that had been ordained for Him…

Don’t You Know:

That God loves you? Acts 20:28, 1st Corinthians 14:1 That God is good? Psalm 33:5 That God is generous? Romans 8:32 That He supplies our needs? Matthew 1:21, Hebrews 2:9, Psalm 46:1, Mark 10:29-30 That God sent the Savior for us? Hebrews 5:8-9 That God allows us to choose? Genesis 2:15-17 The God CANNOT lie? Titus 1:2 That God always keeps His promises? 2 Corinthians 1:19ff Knowing all these things about God, will you serve Him faithfully or will you…

I Went to Hollywood Road

The effort to help our brother and sisters in Houma, Louisiana was an eye-opening experience. I had the opportunity to take the goods on Monday, October 4th. As I made my way down south, I began to notice the terrain change. With that change of terrain, I saw the change in safety. I turned off at exit 202 on Interstate 90 and was immediately hit in the face with a view I did not expect to see. I saw billboards…

Houma Letter 2021

70 West Family, We have been in touch this week with two of our sister congregations in Houma, LA, which were in the heart of where Hurricane Ida came ashore last month. As you can imagine, their recovery is going to be a long road and they still have significant needs. The Hollywood Rd congregation became one of the de-facto distribution centers for relief supplies for not only their members but the community as a whole and remains so. FEMA…

The Truth of God’s Word

The effort to proclaim the whole counsel of God’s Word is an arduous task. At times, it can seem like an impossible task. We teach the Word of God in several way. We can personally study with a friend or invite them to a bible class lead by another at our building. We can invite them to a worship service were the lost have a chance to hear the Gospel proclaimed. Yet another way to teach is through songs. Consider…