Three Great Resolutions

Three Great Resolutions

As we approach the new year, many people start thinking about New Year’s resolutions. Let me give you three resolutions that will help you grow closer to God and closer to His church. 

#1-Resolve to really get into reading and studying God’s Word in 2020. Have a plan and stick to it! For me personally, studying the Bible each morning around 5 and then capping off the night with a simple reading of God’s Word works best. I prefer a quiet setting, with me in my easy chair, a glass of ice water nearby, and a large print Bible to make it easier to read. Becoming a better Bible student will definitely bring you closer to God. 

#2-Resolve to pick at least one ministry here @ 70 West and get involved. There’s so much to pick from and each ministry will bless you. Maybe it’s the youth ministry. Perhaps you could host a youth event, help with a youth Bible study, or serve as a chaperone. Your ministry might be in teaching. There’s always a need for more teachers in the children’s and adult’s programs. Perhaps you want to help in the worship service. Maybe the sound room or security. Talk to me about the many opportunities of involvement and let’s get involved in 2020. 

#3-Resolve to become an encourager. Encourage attendance by being here yourself and making worship a priority. Encourage our Bible classes by becoming a class member. Encourage our older members by checking on them with a friendly phone call or visit. Encourage our shut-ins with your loving concern. Encourage our elders with tokens of your appreciation. Encourage our young people with a pat on the back when they do their many acts of service. Encourage those who need encouragement… the ones who get overlooked. 

Let’s make 2020 the best year ever @ 70 West church of Christ! 


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