What is the Value?

What is the Value?

A young set of parents were discussing how they wanted to raise their child. They ultimately settled on the fact that they would let the child make his own choices- good, bad, or indifferent. They figured that the child would probably make some good decisions and some bad ones. They also thought as the poor choices were made, the child would learn from that and change. So, through the years, the child never brushes his teeth, never ate well, nor did he ever wash his body. Eventually, through an accident, he had to go to see the local doctor.

The local doctor was not very please with the parenting style the parents chose. He stated, “You gave your child too much freedom, too early. Due to that, your child chose the worst thing for himself.” Do you agree with the doctor? As this story was unfolding, did you have a weird feeling in your gut because you knew what was going to happen? Did you think the parents were making a huge mistake? Did you think this will have a very bad turnout? If you are answering YES, then you have been there, huh?

We, as parents, would never let this scenario happen. Too many important choices to make; with too little experience in life, will always turn out poorly for the child. Why then, do we give our children so much freedom, when it comes to church or participating in the youth activities? We, as parents are setting them up for failure.

Please, I am begging you, send your children to the youth activities. Allow them to be a part of a group who are learning how to serve the Lord. Show them the value of service with a common peer group. Send them to class and encourage them to participate in class. The grade level learning that happens in those classes are established to help them grow and develop a deeper love for God’s Word.

We always have room for more in the youth group. The youth group will never be as strong as it could be without every one there. One more thing, the church will not be as strong as it could be without all of us working together and the youth group is just a portion of our local family!


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