Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

We often use this time of year to notice some things in our personal life that need to change– good or bad. We take the opportunity to restart or revamp our daily schedule and daily habits. It seems like the perfect time to do so. While our physical bodies and life need to be addressed from time to time, so does our spiritual life. We are given that opportunity each time we meditate in the Word of God. Today let’s look at 10 things that will help us grow in grace this year.

10.Keep a record of your personal progress, including daily Bible reading and daily prayer.

9. Find ways to assist your elders, deacons, widows, and widowers.

8. Find time for more fellowship in my home with brothers and sisters in Christ.

7. Volunteer more; volunteers are always needed.

6. Look for and fill needs in your community (Matthew 5:13-16)

5. Regularly attend Bible class and worship.

4. Invite others to go with you to Bible class and worship.

3. Convert one soul to Jesus.

2. Read your Bible daily.

1. Pray to God daily

When these 10 activities become part of our daily routine, we will find ourselves growing in grace unto the Lord. It is also a good note that when these things become part of our daily routine, we can add 10 more things. May our God bless you and may His Kingdom grow exponentially in this New Year.


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