Posts by Billy Hayes

Posts by Billy Hayes

The Time of my Life

I’m convinced that most folks want to do something truly meaningful with their lives. Unfortunately, most labor under the mistaken assumption that accomplishing something great is reserved for just a chosen few. Heroes. Martyrs. Saints. But not them. But what if the greatest thing is not to go out in a blaze of glory but to honor God with a life that seeks consistently to do His will in the little things? Not necessarily to climb the highest mountain but…

When you hear the phrase “Personal Evangelism” what do you think?

When you hear the phrase, “Personal Evangelism” what do you think? It is an awesome and daunting responsibility to take the gospel to others. I have been involved in several efforts to get the word out. I have knocked doors and spoken to folks about the gospel. I don’t know everything about personal evangelism, but I have come to learn about several misconceptions. Misconception number one: Most people hate to talk about the Bible. Some try to avoid it, but…

Such As I Am

The apostle Paul, after making his defense before the Roman governor, Festus and Jewish King Agrippa, and in response to Agrippa’s statement about “almost” being persuaded tells Agrippa” I would to God that not only you, but also all who hear me today, might become both almost and altogether such as I am, except for these chains” Acts 26:29. If we could superimpose our own names for Paul and wish that all could become as we currently are, what would…

The Powerful word – JUST

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” That was a very common taunt when I was growing up. It helped the one saying this phrase that it is only words being used. It does not mean the insult is true. But… words have power. A constant barrage of words can change the way I think about myself and my worth. Consider the word- JUST. Just is define differently by the way it is used…

Happy New Year!

We often use this time of year to notice some things in our personal life that need to change– good or bad. We take the opportunity to restart or revamp our daily schedule and daily habits. It seems like the perfect time to do so. While our physical bodies and life need to be addressed from time to time, so does our spiritual life. We are given that opportunity each time we meditate in the Word of God. Today let’s…

What is the Value?

A young set of parents were discussing how they wanted to raise their child. They ultimately settled on the fact that they would let the child make his own choices- good, bad, or indifferent. They figured that the child would probably make some good decisions and some bad ones. They also thought as the poor choices were made, the child would learn from that and change. So, through the years, the child never brushes his teeth, never ate well, nor…

Come unto ME

Matthew 11:28-30: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” This is the invitation given to mankind by the Savior of all. This invitation was given to us by the grace and mercy of God. Notice…

God: the Son

Our God is a complex study. We long to know everything we can about Him. As we study God today, let us focus on the Son, Jesus the Christ. Christ is a word that means King. As we study our God, it is needful to look at the One who came to this Earth for us.Today we will notice the Son. 1. Facts about Jesus a. Sinless- Hebrews 4:15 b. Died for us- romans 5:6-8 c. Alive forevermore- Revelation 1:18…

God: the Father

Our God is a complex study. We long to know everything we can about Him. As we gain a knowledge about God, we thirst to know more. During this series of articles, we will explore the Father, the Son and the Spirit. We will notice how these three are different and how they are the same. Today we will notice the Father. 1. God is: a. Great- Deuteronomy 5:24 b. Loving- John 3:16 c. Holy- 1 Peter 1:15-16 d. Perfect-…


God has given unto us a law that will be used to save our souls as we are obedient unto Him. That is the key to our salvation. We cannot know what to do unless we find the source of God’s law- HIS AUTHORITY. His Word proves His authority. Let’s look at God’s authority today. 1. God’s Word is infallible a. Send from God- Acts 10:36 b. Inspired- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 c. Verbally inspired (every word)- 1 Corinthians 2:12-13 d.…


God has an interesting outlook on us. He provides our needs. He provides for what we do not yet understand that we need. All good things come from God (James 1:17). He does, however, require something from us- obedience. He expects us to see the good and follow those things. Notice what He says: 1. Necessity a. If I love God- John 14:15 b. If I am Hid friend- John 15:14 c. To inherit- Matthew 7:21-23 d. Fear God- Ecclesiastes…

God’s Word: FAITH

God has offered unto mankind the ability to be saved by God form his lost condition. The lynchpin to acquiring this Salvation from God is FAITH. Without the belief that God can do anything and that He will do what He has promised to do, we have nothing to base our Salvation. That makes FAITH so vitally important. 1. What is FAITH?- a. Defined by God- Hebrews 11:1 b. Origin- Romans 10:9-10 c. Yielding- Romans 10:16 d. Not-James 2:17-26 2.…