Posts from August 2024

Posts from August 2024

Not Just a Book for Preachers

Some seem to have the idea that the Bible is only a book for preachers to find a text in. I have known some preachers whose sermons showed that is what they thought. They selected a text and never got back to it or else paid no attention to its context. Preachers have no monopoly on understanding the Bible. Preachers gain a knowledge of the Bible in the same way as anyone else, through study. It is a mistake to…

The Existence of God

Where did God come from? Most everyone knows the Christian’s response to this question: “God is eternal. He did not ‘come from’ anywhere.” Although atheists may think that this answer is unscientific and merely an attempt to avoid the question, in truth, observation and reason declare otherwise. The question “Where did God come from?” (or “What caused God?”) assumes that God had a cause. However, by definition, an eternal spirit (“the everlasting God”) cannot logically have a cause. Asking about…

What is the Value?

A young set of parents were discussing how they wanted to raise their child. They ultimately settled on the fact that they would let the child make his own choices- good, bad, or indifferent. They figured that the child would probably make some good decisions and some bad ones. They also thought as the poor choices were made, the child would learn from that and change. So, through the years, the child never brushes his teeth, never ate well, nor…