Brother’s Keepers Program
Monthly Small-Group Meetings
Our Brothers Keepers program is a crucial part of the work of our congregation. It helps us accomplish two important goals: We get to know one another better, drawing us together as a church family. It also helps keep any of us from slipping through the cracks and prevents anyone’s needs from being overlooked. We want to make sure we minister to everyone who is a part of our family.
Monthly Fellowship
- Units will meet after the evening service the first Sunday of each month (unless otherwise specified) for a fellowship meal.
- Team leaders organize a list of families in their unit who would be willing to host a fellowship in their home. Each family is encouraged to host at least one meeting in their home.
- Monthly, unit leaders should contact each family with the menu for the fellowship meal and offer choices for what they should bring.
- The unit leader will designate a devotional leader for each meeting. Have this man give a short talk, read Scripture, and then close the meeting with a prayer. Ask for specific prayer requests from the members of your unit.
- Stay in touch with members in your unit who are shut-ins or who cannot attend monthly fellowships because of illness or other restrictions. Send cards of encouragement to these families.
Monthly Meetings
Meetings will be held in the homes of members with the exception that each unit has been designated to meet in the Fellowship Hall for one month. Visitors will always be invited to attend this fellowship, as well as members assigned to other units who are not physically able to drive or travel to another location to meet with their assigned unit.